Wednesday, May 1, 2013

TPT Assessments

I love assessments! Yes, I do! I know not normal, however I do like them. I love to write them and give them. I am good at it. I really enjoy taking the standards and analyzing them and creating assessments that address the standards. I write my own stories for the assessments. It's actually fun! I use stories from my own life, me as a little girl, my adult life and my children are all included in my assessments. Makes it a lot of fun to use my family and their names and likeness. My assessments are in my TPT store and they are very reasonable.  I have assessments for $1.25 which is so cheap! I also bundle them all literature standards for $10. as well as the informational ones for the same price. I am almost finished with a second set of standards for the literature standards and will be bundling them very soon. Go see my store. I have some great assessments as well as some free stuff and lessons.

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