Monday, May 6, 2013

End of the Year Week

The last week of school I try to do something different than the norm with my students. I break all routines and just have fun. I let them design the room (they chose the seating chart design, draw it out on grid paper) We vote for the best design and rearrange the room. Last year I did a theme a day: Board game day, Fly a Kite Day, Dance party day, ice cream social, karaoke day.  It was great fun!

This year I am doing a day in the life of kids from around the world.  I chose 5 continents (five countries) and we will listen to the music of that country, watch a movie from that country, play games that kids from the area play and sample a food from that area. I am very excited about it! I googled the games, United Streamed the movie clips, Pinterested the foods, and Pandoraed the music! So easy and it's going to be so fun!

I also have my students create a countdown chain. This year I have 17 students (very small class for me) so starting tomorrow we start pulling off  links(17 days left!) Today I gave each student a strip of paper. They were to write what they wanted to do or what they were going to do this summer. Each day I pull one off and let that child tell us all about their summer. I then let two or three students tell what they remember most about that person this year. A funny happening or a kind gesture. Then I give everyone in the room a notecard to write/ draw nice things about that person and give it to them throughout the day. I find that in these last few weeks students start to get snippy with each other. This brings them back to thinking about all the nice and wonderful things we experienced together throughout the year.

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