Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Five Whole Brain Rules

These are my five whole brain rules. I have hand motions with them and the kids recite them each morning with a new student leading. I am on the third day of school and my students know them well enough that when one is broken they can point it out and recognize the offense and related it to the rule #.  Rule number 1 Follow directions quickly. Rule number 2 Raise your hand for permission to speak. Rule number 3 Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Rule number 4 Make smart choices. Rule number 5 Keep your dear teacher happy. I made the signs then framed them and hung them on the wall above my smartboard like pictures.  I have a link to a class reciting the WBT rules. It really works. Love whole brain teaching! Best teaching I have done in years. My students love it and the scoreboard is amazing! But that is another post! Stay tuned!          Whole Brain Rules

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