Sunday, August 18, 2013

Contact Clipboards

My Clipboards were getting nasty (writing on them) after many years of use. I decided to cover them so I took to Pinterest to find out what everyone else was doing. I found people paper mache "ing", putting fabric on them and a host of many other materials. It all seemed like a lot of work to me. Soooo I went in search of contact paper. Thought it would be easier. I was right. Took hardly anytime at all! I bought this dotted contact paper at Staples for about 3.24 a roll. One roll did about 8 to 10 clipboards. I then added some green and blue ribbon to the top and look how nice! It gets a little tricky above the clip but I figured out a way to patch it in first then hold the clip open, start the contact paper on the back and pull it around the clipboard pulling the backing off as I turn the board. Within about 2 minutes I had it done! I was surprised that it didn't wrinkle. Easy to work with! Love it!

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