Monday, August 12, 2013

Blog Hoppin'

I am participating in Blog Hoppin' Teacher Week 13! For Monday you are to tell about yourself so here are 10 things you may or may not know about me!
10. I have been a camp counselor, dance instructor, girl scout executive, Ms. Charleston Showbiz, Director of a Boys and Girls Club, Assistant Principal and teacher!

9. I teach 2nd grade. I have taught headstart, and college!

8. The most students I have had was 27 second graders including the first student in my area to have a service dog.

7. I was in a classroom during 911 in the DC area.

6. I was in a classroom during the sniper of VA period. Scariest thing I have ever experienced.

5.  I love to create assessments!

4. I have been teacher of the year and Walmart's teacher of the year!

3. I won a trip to Disney in a contest!

2. I have three beautiful children: a 21 year old and 18 year old twins who go off to college in one week!

1. I married my best friend from Jr. High School. I have known him since I was 13.

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