Sunday, July 28, 2013

Excited about QR

So I went to a two day technology training a few days ago and I am so excited about QR codes (bar scan readers) I have went crazy with it! For open house I will have them all over my room for the parents to scan to get to all the websites I want them to frequent throughout the year. I have a code for my webpage, my classroom Facebook, a math fact practice site, Raz-Kids (which I love and use), our service unit organization and then printed a big cell phone picture to post for them to sign up for Remind 101 a texting site for me to keep in contact with my parents via text messaging. I am loving it! QR codes are the bomb!! And I look so tech savvy! Google it and do it! I also made the the flip chart informational brochure that has been going around Pintrest. It has the QR codes in it too! My ITT person said she is going to interview me about my schedule and other important things about my room and link it to a QR code that will be posted outside my room door. Parents can scan it and get me! Me talking about my classroom! Love it!!! Here is an example of my QR code. This one is our service unit project this year.

  This is the link to our service unit project. Scan to see what 2nd graders at X****X Elementary are supporting!

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