Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kathy Green Day

It was a very exciting day yesterday around my school! One of our 5th grade teachers was nominated by a student's parent on the Live with Kelly and Michael (is it bad that I really didn't know she had a new host full time and had to think it through that this is really the Regis and Kelly Show?) for the best teacher in the Nation!! She made the top five and the cameras were at school yesterday following her around! We all wore green! The whole school! It was awesome!! I am so very excited for her she is an amazing teacher and an awesome person. Kathy is traveling to NYC on the 27th and then the show airs on April 30. Be sure you guys watch and vote for Kathy Green from SC. We are a title one school and we really deserve the recognition for the hard work we do there. I hope she wins!

Our writing assignment for the day was to write from a character's perspective.........you know put yourself in someone else's shoes. So instead of writing from the perspective of Mean Jean the Recess Queen or some other book character I asked my 2nd graders to put themselves in the shoes of Kathy Green! How did she feel last night? What did she do this morning? What did she say to the cameras?
So stinkin' funny! They did a great job. My favorite ones said things like...........'I was nervous. I didn't sleep a wink! I rewrote my lesson plans over and over. I prayed my students would behave. I brushed my teeth 20 times.' I gave them to Kathy at the end of the day and she said she is going to give them to the Live show and they may want to use them as promo for that week of the air date! How exciting!!! I can't wait to tell my class!!

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