Saturday, April 26, 2014

Get Ready for Next Year!!

Hello my wonderful teacher friends! The year is coming to an end and if you are like me your mind is wondering to next to make it better and how to set up so that in Aug/Sept. you are ready to hit the ground running! I am printing and lining up my stuff for next year right now and thought, I bet my teacher peers would like to prepare too. So here is a 20% sale so that you too can start collecting your assessments for next year! Have them all in one spot ready to go. Consider ordering the bundles as they will give you a year of tests! I have two literature bundles and one information and they are now 20% off!! Act now and be ready for next year! You will be glad you did it now when the beginning of the year rolls around. You'll feel so organized! :)
Have an outstanding summer and check back with me as I am working on some VERY exciting new things for next school year like a presidential timeline with ALL the presidents, a new spelling program, more assessments and a very exciting brain booster activity for the whole year!!!

Common Core Toolbox

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Valentine Investigation!

You know early in my teaching career I use to think, "Why do I need to plan anything for a holiday party? I will just have the parents come, bring food and the kids, parents and I will eat and be merry." Well, after several holidays of eating and being merry with a classroom of 27 2nd graders and their parents, I came to realize it was chaos. And not organized chaos. TOTALLY CRAZY WHO IS REALLY IN CHARGE OF THESE KIDS CHAOS! I found that  for me and  my students to really have fun and enjoy the holiday: I needed a plan. Now I don't want to not have a "party" for my kids or to be the teacher who always finds the learning in everything and doesn't allow her kids to have fun but I found that when we "do" something rather than have just "free" party time, we do have fun! The kids like it better and I like it better. I mean let's face it: don't they run a muck a lot outside of school? When do they really have organized fun? In school that is when! I then started creating really fun activities for them to "DO" during our "parties". Fun for them and I can keep my hair and nails (visualize me pulling out my hair strand by strand and biting my nails as the parents let their children run around the room jumping chairs and screaming while we both look at them wondering who is in charge at this moment). Since Science investigation takes time (let's face it we put it on the back burner most of the time because it takes time we never have) I use this "party" day to have an investigation. I build it up for days to come: the kids can't wait for the day as they get so excited to see what it is going to be about! I know once you try it (investigation "parties") you and your students  will see how much fun it is and how much better it is than giving them all that free time to grind cheetos into your carpet and shove icing up their noses. Follow the link to my TPT to get the investigation. While there check out the Halloween one too! I know once you go to Science "partying" you will never turn back to those "let's see how much junk food we can eat and meaningless movies we can watch parties" again!