Monday, September 16, 2013
MP3 Players
Really loving the MP3 that I am using this year! It's been great! I purchased 25 cheap MP3 players ($18.00) a piece and every Sunday night I load them with lessons for the week. I "teach" my spelling list to my computer (record the lesson), a math lesson, and a reading lesson. The students have baskets that have plastic plates, a sock and a marker in it that they use while they listen to me teach on the MP3 players. They do so as a rotation in math and reading and in the morning as they arrive. The listen to those lessons multiple times a week. I tell them to get out their slates, white boards or plates, their marker and an eraser (sock). I teach the lesson letting them respond on the whiteboard. "Let's sound out the word: stage. Ssssss...T...A...G and a silent e on the end" They write the word, clap the syllables and spell the word on their white boards or plates.
I do the same for math facts or math lessons. I quickly call out facts and they write the answers. I do reading as well teaching Author's Purpose or Beginning, Middle and End. The students love it and it is doubling myself. I can teach two groups at once! I am thinking about a way to put them on Teachers Pay Teachers so that you can get them too! I do an assessment review as well and load that on the MP3's for Thursday. it would work on a tape deck or CD player too in your listening center. It has been an awesome tool for me!! I hope to share it with you soon. Would this be something you could use? Let me know what you think!
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