I have three assessment bundles up and ready for you to click! Run on over to my TPT store and check them out! I have two literature standard bundles (all nine standards addressed) and one informational standard bundle. The great thing is that you can click and have the assessments for the whole year. No more looking all over the place for an assessment each Thursday night and then finally patching together some assessment that half way meets the standard. These assessment are made directly with the standards in hand. They are made from the stems and prompts of the standard. It doesn't get any better. Made by a real teacher in a real room and tested on 165 students within one school and used by an entire school district after the field test. These assessments will bring up your common core testing scores. You can't pass this up! It will guide your teaching and provide the rigor you need for your quarter benchmark testing. Go take a look. Once you start using them you will never use anything else.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
MP3 Players
Really loving the MP3 that I am using this year! It's been great! I purchased 25 cheap MP3 players ($18.00) a piece and every Sunday night I load them with lessons for the week. I "teach" my spelling list to my computer (record the lesson), a math lesson, and a reading lesson. The students have baskets that have plastic plates, a sock and a marker in it that they use while they listen to me teach on the MP3 players. They do so as a rotation in math and reading and in the morning as they arrive. The listen to those lessons multiple times a week. I tell them to get out their slates, white boards or plates, their marker and an eraser (sock). I teach the lesson letting them respond on the whiteboard. "Let's sound out the word: stage. Ssssss...T...A...G and a silent e on the end" They write the word, clap the syllables and spell the word on their white boards or plates.
I do the same for math facts or math lessons. I quickly call out facts and they write the answers. I do reading as well teaching Author's Purpose or Beginning, Middle and End. The students love it and it is doubling myself. I can teach two groups at once! I am thinking about a way to put them on Teachers Pay Teachers so that you can get them too! I do an assessment review as well and load that on the MP3's for Thursday. it would work on a tape deck or CD player too in your listening center. It has been an awesome tool for me!! I hope to share it with you soon. Would this be something you could use? Let me know what you think!